Catullus/Carmen LVII

Everything is turning out well for those disgraceful Cinaedii* 
Caesar and Mamurra** the pathicus* 
No wonder: the stains are equal for both of them, 
But one is from the city and the other is from Formia, 
And they are so ingrained that they cannot be washed out: 
They are diseased equally, and both are twins, 
Both are educated in one little bed, 
Nor is the latter a more gluttinous adulterer than the former; 
They are allied rivals even for little girls. 
Everything is turning out well for those disgraceful Cinaedii*.

* - Cinaedus (in the plural form, Cinaedii) and pathicus are both vulgar and insulting words that refer to sexually perverted individuals.
** - Mamurra was a crony of Julius Caesar whose political history is reviewed by Catullus in Carmen 29.

Pulcre convenit improbis cinaedis,
Mamurrae pathicoque Caesarique.
Nec mirum: maculae pares utrisque,
urbana altera et illa Formiana,
impressae resident nec eluentur:
morbosi pariter, gemelli utrique,
uno in lecticulo erudituli ambo,
non hic quam ille magis vorax adulter,
riuales socii puellularum.
Pulcre conuenit improbis cinaedis.

Sezar ve Mamurra hakkında bayağı homofobik şeyler yazmış. Biraz cumhuriyetçi sanırım...